Ski Boot Fitting: The Footloose Sports Way

Nine out of ten times, when your ski boot hurts, it’s because it’s not the right boot for you. If your boot matches the shape of your foot, you’re golden, even if the boot is older. Boot technology hasn’t changed as much as ski technology in the past few decades.

80% of customers who come in for help with boots are wearing boots that are too big for them. They’re often cranking the buckles too tight just to make them fit. When that’s the case, we recommend demoing a new boot that’s the right size.

If your foot is moving around in your boot, it causes all sorts of issues, and it’s impossible to figure out the problem until you can keep the foot in place. To address this, our first step is to have our customers try a Trim to Fit Superfeet footbed. The Trim to Fit version does about 75% of what a custom Superfeet footbed does, and it can give us a good foundation to fine tune your fit with.

Once your foot is supported on a good foundation through a Superfeet insert, we work to get the plastic shell of the boot as close to your foot as possible. If that’s not possible, it’s probably time for a smaller size boot. On a properly sized boot, the only tweak you might need down the line is a blow out if you need more space as your feet change. It’s much better to blow out a too-small boot than it is to try to tighten up a too-big boot.


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